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A silly sense of fashion star star star halfstar emptystar

Slowly you lift the covers of the bed. The air is slightly chilled on the bare sections of skin left when you removed your clothes in the room above.


"Cold are you?" the voice says, tauntingly, "We have some warmer clothes for you."


"Where," you summon the courage to say.


"Behind the door." The voice says, "Don't worry, the door won't slam closed, be locked, or even have a hard time opening. No tricks."


Bundling the blankets around yourself for warmth and dignity, you walk slowly to the door. Sections retract into the wall as you approach, giving a slightly futuristic swoosh. As you step through the door swoosh-es shut again, but upon trial it opens again as promised.


In this small, slightly dark area you find a bag of clothes. "Form follows Fashion" is written elegantly in silver leaf on the side. The only problem is, they're girl's clothes!


"Hey!" you shout to the disembodied voice, "What type of sick joke is this?"


"None." it responds, "The plain fact of the matter is that your actions in this mansion determine your appearance. Humans are the only animals in existence to wear clothes so if you wish to stay human you must wear clothes."


"Why not clothes for a male human?"


"We were all out of clothes, so the butler went for some new ones. These clothes were the cheapest. Now no complaining, you either wear them or risk being an animal."

Written by Anonamouse on 22 June 2011

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