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the trek is not so lonely anymore star star star emptystar emptystar

You wake up to slight shaking. As you open your eyes you see the worried face of the mermaid that you carried to the rotunda. As you sit up the worry fades from her face and you notice she is no longer a mermaid. She is clothed in a T-shirt with a werewolf on it and black jeans.


She says, " Thank you, I owe you a great thanks for restoring me to my human form." You respond, " I'm the one who should be thanking you. without your help I would have been stuck there with you. By the way my name is (insert name here)." "Serenity," she says.


You see Serenity pull out a piece of paper. "What is that?" you ask. " This is a map of the under water tunnels that I got for being the waitress. It didn't really help me that much since I ran out of breath before I even got to the key." Curious you say, " for being the waitress all you got was a map?" Serenity responds, " That's all for now. Supposedly I will get more help at different points in the mansion. perhaps you were part of that help."


"well," you say " we should probably see what is beyond the door to the west.

Written by jnekomimi on 03 October 2010

The end (for now)

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