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Exploration. star star halfstar emptystar emptystar

Looking at him you state follow and begin to search the area. There are plenty of trees, food and water in this huge room that you both became foxes in. Walking around you pass a bunch of doors that lead elsewhere, the first has a male symbol then the plus sign then the female symbol. You think that it means hermaphrodite. You pass taur doors that indicate gender reversal, stay the same or into hermaphrodite. Then you pass the three doors that indicate anthro-fox with the same gender choices as taur. The final fox door indicates kitsune, by the multiple tails on the fox. You pass more doors indicating different species, hybrid forms and others.


The two of you sit down and look at each wondering if you should pick a new form or change. But you realize that you don’t want to give up your female instincts as he seems to indicate the same for the male instincts. However you decide…


Written by Tsunari on 08 May 2008

Male Become Hermaphrodite

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