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Eat star star star emptystar emptystar

By the time you finish breakfast, you decide that the lion bits are most likely an unintended side-effect of that goddamned necklace, and that you don't care enough to approach the male to ask him about it—or about anything else, in fact. Except maybe your cubs… no. The mere thought stirs up unwelcome (protective, motherly) feelings, so you need to leave. Get the hell out of Coppertown, as fast as possible!


The window is openable, and your new set of claws helps you climb up to the roof of this building. And seconds after you reach the roof… you're in the air, flapping for altitude and headed upstream.


Soon you are back to where you went to sleep two nights ago. You recall the shinies that were there…but you set back off to the tower,


Written by Catprog & Cubist on 03 December 2010

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