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Guilmon titled his head, understandably perplexed at such a question. “You mean that old thing? Yeah, I got it. Someone left long ago and I thought ‘waste not, want not.’” The red dinosaur slowly got out of his seat and retrieved the Greek Sphinx outfit from the corner of the room along with the rest of his personal items he salvaged from the carnage. He laid it out at the foot of the bed. “I’m going outside to check the kettle.”


Leaving you alone, you got out of bed, keeping the grogginess at bay. It was just a theory, an unproven one at that, but it was your only option. “I can’t stay as a Renamon, and I can’t stay,” you declared. You took the Greek Sphinx and gave it an once-over.


You mumbled a silent prayer, hoping the next costume would bring you closer to home, and began to put it on.

Written by grade-amasterpiece on 13 April 2016

The result

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