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Run to the Smoke emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Throwing caution to the wind, you ran down the hill as fast as you could.


And tripped.


And somersaulted the rest of the way down.


“Ow, my face…” You groaned in pain as you got yourself into an upright position. Then, your nose picked up on the scent of cooking. You blinked, slowly looking around your surroundings in confusion. “Wait, what? Cooking? How could I already be smell- Oh wait…”


A moment of insight. Renamon was a vulpine, or foxlike, Digimon. Foxes were canines like dogs. Like any other canine, they had a really powerful nose. It was yet another reminder of how inhuman you were. Finding your way back home wasn’t even your first concern; you were more worried about the fact that you hadn't exactly found a way to become human again. Everything else would fall into place.


Regardless, you found yourself on a slightly more worn path where the grass was actually replaced with dirt. Right in front of you was an entire village. There were fourteen wooden huts, seven on each side of the 'street' (the dirt path in the middle). In the center of the 'street' was a rather large bonfire with a pot of something boiling above it.


“Finally! Someone can—“ As soon as you took your first step, you froze up. You had no clue if these residents were human or not. If they were, you could kiss your freedom goodbye.


During that moment of hesitance, someone called, “Hello, friend!”


You spun and raised an eyebrow at what you saw. “Oh my goodness,” you muttered, eyes going wide.

Written by grade-amasterpiece on 03 April 2016

Both Guilmon

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