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The Kiss emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

One night, you ran along with him along the beach. A full moon was in the sky, not different from the moon you remember from your own world; it strikes you that this place seems a lot like another Earth, but somehow different. Your night run with the man you have a crush on may have seemed romantic at one point, but he was entirely focused on the practice as always, and was pushing you to keep going, though your legs felt they were made of lead by now, your lungs burned, your whole body screamed at you for stop, but he kept pushing you.


Eventually, you had an idea, and were desperate for a break; so you suddenly pretended to stumble and fall, yelling and grabbing your ankle. Swiftfoot stopped, turning to you in concern. In the light of the moon, you could see the look of concern on his face; a look you hadn’t seen from him often. You’ve seen him be friendly, be determined, once or twice look frustrated, but this was something new, and it made him look all the more handsome.


“Are you alright?” he asked, moving forward and reaching a hand down to you.


You took his hand, and as he lifted you, you intentionally fell back, pulling him down with you. Your giggling soon gave away the game, and you heard him sigh.


“Fine, I guess you can have a break.”


You lay there with him, listening to the gentle crashing of waves on the shore. It is the happiest moment of your time here so far. Your first kiss soon replaced it, half an hour later.

Written by Lone Wolf on 05 June 2015

Both The Spring Race Day Arrives

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