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Chase Part 2 emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide trying to hide down a hole seems like a wonderful idea... If you want to get trapped and die, that is.
You somehow manage to increase your speed even more, thankfully pushing the sounds of pursuit farther and farther behind.
Soon, after you're sure you've lost them, you stop. Your breath is coming in ragged gasps and when you try to stand, you stagger and stumble against the nearest tree. The forest where you stand is much thinner than before. Moonlight shines brightly through the thin forest canopy. Just when you think you your safe, a rope drops from the tree and tightens around your midsection. Before you can even think to scream, you are yanked upwards violently. Your heads connects hard with a tree limb as you are hauled into the leaves above and you black out.

Written by Naraki Kennedy on 15 May 2015

The end (for now)

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