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Swim to a hole emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

But you can’t watch them go: you race toward the nearest dark hole, gasping for breath.


You make it! You dive into the narrow dark hole just ahead of your pursuer, but the hole is shallow, barely a few feet deep; you have to stop yourself to avoid hitting your head on the end of the hole, but before you can turn around, you feel a tentacle grab you by the tail.


“No!” you cry, scrabbling for a hold on the rough coral. “Let me go!”


But the tentacle’s grip on you is too strong; it pulls you out into the open water, and you finally get a good look at your captor: it is an octopus, a giant octopus, at least twelve feet long with thick muscular tentacles that it wraps around your body, pinning your arms to your sides; it swiftly changes color before your eyes, trying to blend into its surroundings; this must be why you couldn’t tell what it was before.


Now you struggle against its tight grip on you, but the tentacles only close tighter around you, making you gasp for breath. What will happen next?!!

Written by J-B-Hickock on 03 December 2014

Both Rescued

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