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Return to the cave emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The boards knocked loose by the collapse make for an excellent ladder but you are unsure if you can climb them with such severe injuries. Steeling your nerve, you persist. Several failed attempts and an hour's worth of exhausting work finally produces your escape. The last handhold atop the ledge feels like a slice of heaven as you climb the last foot upward and swing your paws up and over. Lying on your back staring at the moons you realize that you're going to need help here in this world, regardless of their willingness.
You venture through the filth ridden mess of a structure and backtrack to the entrance of the cave. The soldiers from the APC have left in the belief of your death during the collapse that killed their comrade. Following the tunnel back down once more you find that the large room is vacant. The dimly lit lanterns and vulpine inhabitants have vanished. Perhaps gone to escape the APC crew? You think. Wandering throughout the system of tunnels you see the belongings of several families but not a soul in sight.
A rifle butt lands squarely on your maw, knocking snot and mucus the from back of your mouth and your body to the flat of the floor. The swift motion leaves you breathless, blind and grasping at your face in self defense while the tears and blood flow. Scurrying along the ground, you try to get away from what you cannot see. The edge of the wall stops you cold and sends a shiver down your spine as realize there is no escape this time. Just as you're about to lose any remaining bladder control, a paw is outstretched, taking yours. It does not jerk or thrust you about but lifts you gently and as your hearing returns you can hear another female voice trying to calm you.


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 12 November 2013

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