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Centaur star star star halfstar emptystar

You walk over to fairly large mount of chestnut cloth. You decide to wear the costume.


You first slip your feet into the costume's legs. Next, you pull the rest of the costume up to your waist. Fasten the belt buckle to hold it in place. All signs of the fasteners dissolve back into the furry fabric in a flash green light.


You feel your legs and feet change shape as your feet remold themselves into hooves. The rear portion of the costume expands in volume, taking on a barrel shape. You feel hind legs grow and extend behind you. A pushing sensation at the base of your now very lengthy spine is felt, as a silky black tail forms.


You remember that this was the female room but the next change is still a shock to you.


You quiver a little as your internal plumbing begins to rework itself. You groan and cup your chest as it begins to swell. Two breasts grow underneath your shirt, and drop to your knees at the new sensations going through your body, as your breasts and new female organs complete their formation.


Your new centaur body feels both strong and somewhat awkward. You take a few wobbly steps forward, it is difficult to manage four legs instead of two. But you soon get used to moving in this way.


The boundary of the room dissolves away. A spectacular view of a grassy meadow and a dark forest beyond greets you.


Illustrated by metallicumbrage

Written by creativesam on 19 March 2006

Both In the forest
Both Fall in the ground.

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