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Your Road Goes Ever On and On... star star star halfstar emptystar

You're really not bored yet, and a week is a very long time, especially one... almost double the time than the one you're used to. You stride toward the room's exit, your kitsune claws clicking on the cold cobblestone floor. The earthy smell of cold clay and the scent of torch oil tickles your nostrils as you shove the exit door open. The room on the other side is really bright; your pupils narrow to catlike slits.


Schwoonk, click. The door shuts and locks. Like before, there's no handle.


Sunlight is blasting down from a skylight. The sky is blue with the cutest little clouds. The green smell of plants hangs in the air. To your right, a curving ramp leads up to a door painted with misty mountains and bonny lochs. To your left, a ramp leads down to a door nestled between Greek columns. The smell of the sea and olives emanates from this direction.<P/>So...will you take the high road or will you take the low road?

Written by Mr.Peaches on 10 February 2006

high road

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