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a ridiculous situation star star star emptystar emptystar

“Nothing, this is just a ridiculous situation is all,” he says, smile growing wider.
“You’re weird...” you say, turning your head and crossing your arms. The man is so infuriating.
No wonder he’s all alone. He’s a nut.
“I saved you, though. You should be happy that I was there. Most people would have let you
You sigh and bite your lip.
“You said my clothes were armored. What do you mean?”
“The clothes mesh to your body and use your body’s own strength to deflect attacks. It prevents
any foreign object from hitting you with more force than a punch. Truthfully, if you didn’t have
your pants, your leg would be gone. I wouldn’t have been able to heal it,”

Written by kergiby on 16 September 2011

Both Look at the bandage

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