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firewood star star star emptystar emptystar

"Some of us can actually fish without the scuba." You nod, only half listening. You observe the rest of the populace on the beach, watching them interact with each other, seeing how open they are.


Some of them are gathering firewood and you ask about it. "What is going on?". He smiles "They are gathering wood for the cooking fire tonight." You look at him and say, "So, everyone eats together?" A moment later you decide it was a stupid question to ask, but can't take it back.


He grins "Most of us eat most dinners together but some of us eat some dinners in our homes. We don't expect newcommers to help their first day but the next day they do so." You nod. "I may as well get started today, so I know what I'm doing tomorrow. Lead the way."


He smiles and leads you down. Most of the others look up as you pass and wave, making you feel obligated to wave back.

Written by Catprog & Kendareru on 16 February 2011

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