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Day 19 star star star star emptystar

Sun rises. You wake up. There’s a big pile of shiny seeds near you. You’re more hungry than thirsty, so you eat lots of shiny seeds first. Time enough to move on after you’re full. You piss more shiny seeds... and the hide around your piss-hole is smooth and green and hairless. Looks good to you! Most of your fur-flowers are blooming; also good. And more buds have sprouted on you. Excellent!


You shake your head. Something is wrong... but you’re thirsty, so you dive into the river to absorb more water. Wonderful stuff; you’re actually getting a light buzz off of this river water! You roll over, lazily, onto your back, and -- wow! The glow of direct sunlight caresses your belly like a skilled lover.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 24 January 2011

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