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after efects star star star emptystar emptystar

Soon there are 6 bundles of joyous fur on the floor and your belly is back to its normal flatness. You're not sure what to think of them; the idea of children, of cubs, is… A sudden wave of revulsion overwhelms you: These unnatural lumps of alien flesh must die. Your claws are fully extended and you roar in rage and—


—and suddenly you're not in the pantry any more. Nor are you a sphinx. Nor are you wearing that damned necklace! And your arms are tightly restrained—the male sphinx has you in a tight wrestling hold. You find yourself shuddering. "Wh-what, happened..?" you ask uncertainly.


"I was hoping you could tell me," he replies. "You were about to kill your cu-" and you spasm in his grasp, but you cannot escape. After a short pause, he says, "I take it the necklace had some sort of mental effects?"


You gratefully take this opportunity to slip into a dispassionate, impersonal mindset as you respond to his question: "Y-yes. It does. It accelerates the physical process of pregnancy, and in consequence it amplifies the psychological effects, m-m-most prominently the maternal instincts. And, there are, s-severe mood swings, p-p-possibly, I mean probably, amplified as well..."


"That's interesting," he says. "The psychological side-effects didn't show up in the testing-"

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 28 November 2010

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