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Talking time star star star emptystar emptystar

"So how do you know about electricity?"


Oh. He wants to be serious. Pity, that. "I learned about it in school. Didn't you?"


"Are you a costume?"


"No, but I'm wearing one. Well, I was wearing one, but now I'm... um... yes, I'm a costume."


"That explains how you know electricity. But how did you get like that here?"


"If you're asking how I became an otter, it's magic. I'm not completely sure of all the details, because part of it happened when I was very, very drunk."


"Yeah , I haven't really studied the magic of this world so I can't help you there"


"Oh, that's alright; I actually like this body!" And you sashay around the sphinx in what you hope he'll perceive as a sexually inviting manner. "See?" <

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 10 November 2010

Female Almost

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