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Swimming time star star star star emptystar

<br/>A small part of you speaks up in your head: "But I am suppose to be a sphinx, feline and things..." Ah, yes; you apparently have some residual instincts left over from your time as a sphinx. You shrug; what you need is a good swim, that'll set you straight! Now, where's a body of water worthy of the name? Knowing that you're within a couple of days' travel of the water-portal factory, you pull some maps out of your backpack and take to the sky! Aloft, it's easy to compare a map to the land, and you quickly locate a truly large river that you can reach within, oh, no more than a couple of hours by air—and it is above the level of the lake so it should not be tainted. Pausing only long enough to pull a bellyful of tiny fish out of the stream you've been following, you lick your lips and fly to that river. <br/> <br/>It's close to sunset when you reach that river. You could easily have gotten there faster as a sphinx—but you'd have also missed out on exploring that nifty cave which caught your attention, so it's all good. Too bad there wasn't anything shiny in the cave... <br/> <br/>You dive in and you immediately see a trail of shinies. You dive down and find a bunch of coins heading downstream. You follow the coins, picking them up as you go and the trail ends at a large dark hole with a few small point of light. They turn out to be the eyes of some fish and aquatic reptiles. Oh, well; at least they taste good. Which is nice, because you're quite hungry after flying all the way here. Yum! <br/> <br/>You swim back up to the surface and look for somewhere for the night. A bed of reeds would suit you just fine... <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 07 November 2010

Female Drifting

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