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<br/>Now you just have to get rid of all these changes and what ever you got this time. You swim up to the surface and you immediately feel your neck and find a blowhole... and your face is aimed straight up. You can lower your head to look in front of you, but it feels as uncomfortable as looking straight down used to. As well, you've got four thick tentacles, one pair apiece sprouting from your right and left sides. More annoying, your fingers have fused; each of your hands is more like a flipper than a manipulatory appendage, with two thick, clumsy digits and a stiff thumb. All in all, not good; you'd better get the hell out of this magic-soaked water, as quickly as you can! But you're in the middle of the lake -- the nearest land is miles away... <br/> <br/>Bingo! You churn the water with your fishtail, getting up to speed, and spread your wings! You're aloft in seconds, flapping madly to put vertical distance between yourself and the lake. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 01 November 2010

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