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Cast lots of types of spells star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>You go through all your books and look for different types of spells. <br/> <br/>A spell to create ice on the ground. <br/>A spell to make an object shine like a light, <br/>A spell to make sounds <br/>A spell to make a magical shield <br/>A spell to do skeletons to living skeletons. <br/>and your anthroising spell <br/> <br/>You cast the spells (except for the skeleton one). And then you cast the anthro spell. <br/> <br/>The momment you finish casting you know something is wrong. Your lower body appears to be a large fish. While your upper body is an otter. And no wings either. You immediately dismiss the spell and your wings return, along with your feline shape. But your back legs don't return or your old fur.Now you kind of look like an anthro sphinx wearing an otter costume with a large fish tail <br/> <br/>So priorities. What is the most important. stop the water level from rising and getting into all the books. After all there is not a squadron of wizards water proofing the books. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 30 October 2010

Female Closing the portal plans

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