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Re-cast the spell star star star star emptystar

<br/>Nodding, you re-cast your spell. The creature twitches, but does not do anything else. "Now, show me where it is." <br/> <br/>It shuffles along on its misshapen leg and tail and opens a door and you see a flooded room. It then dives into the water. You do likewise... and immediately notice that something is different about the water-breathing spell, this time: Where is your air-bubble? And immediately after that, another revelation: You don't need the bubble—you're breathing the water just fine without it! <br/> <br/>The creature swims around you (it's much more dexterous and coordinated in the water than in air), gestures with its half-good arm for you to follow, and darts away. You swim after it as quickly as you can; it outdistances you without any trouble. However, it soon returns to you, and it stays very close, directing you as you cruise through the water. Fortunately, you actually swim a bit faster as you continue. Your companion becomes agitated when it notices this; could there be some sort of hazard in this lake which affects fast-moving objects? You slow down—but no, your companion is even more agitated. Make up your mind, you think at it. But of course it does not hear your thoughts, so you speed up again. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 28 October 2010

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