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In the morning star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>In the morning, you rise with the Sun. You have vague memories of your dreams... something about flying, a white slash of claws... nothing you can clearly remember, just an unfocused feeling of contentment. You yawn mightily, and stretch every last one of the kinks out of your back. Yum! <br/> <br/>Well you can't solve their problem but you can tell them why and you can cast that spell if you can find it again in another place. <br/> <br/>The village's speaker -- no, wait, it's the mayor, isn't it? -- anyway, he meets you looking hopefull that you could solve the problem. "I have identified the root cause of the marks you are concerned with," you state. The speaker begins to say thank-you-great-one, but you talk over him: "That cause is the water you pump up from deep underground." <br/> <br/>"And what do we do about it?"

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 22 October 2010

Female "I would suggest you exploit it"

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