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Damnit! What's with the scatterbrain bit? You take a deep breath, close your eyes, and return to something like a calm state. Clearly, you're still feeling the after-effects of having eaten that blue deer. At this point, it looks like those after-effects aren't going to stop until you end up as a deer! And what if your current... distractability... means that you'll have the mind of a deer, not just the body of one? Not good! The necklace could stop the changes, but you don't really want to wear that thing again; you like your arms too much.


Maybe if you could dispel all the spells? There has to be something here that could do that right? Tilting your head so one eye is aimed to the ceiling, you say, "Voice, where are the books on cancelling magic?"


"1st shelf. By the stairs down"


You move over to there and find a book for dispelling spells. You quickly go down and find a stand. You make the gestures and the incantation ignoring the feelings of your body changing. You watch as you field of vision narrows and your hands regain their usual number of fingers. You look down and you see that you are a sphinx-taur again. And, even better, your head clears with each new body part that return to its 'original' form; apparently, being part-eagle and part-deer meant you had the corresponding instincts, over and above your sphinx instincts, which is why you were having trouble staying on track.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 20 September 2010

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