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You stare at the unnatural limb for several long moments... and then you decide it doesn't matter. As long as the damn thing can pull the damn necklace off of you, you don't care. Fortunately, you can and do get a good, solid grip on the necklace, after which you pull it off over your head.


The result is immediate; your torso starts returning, along with your hands (which feel odd, but—) and arms and antlers and your hind hooves. "Hang on What?" and then you remember why you put the necklace on in the first place. Yes, you're definitely more of a deer-thing than a cat-thing now; your hands have two thick fingers apiece, and your fingernails are so thick and clunky that they might as well be hooves. In fact... if you let your fingers fall into a resting position, it's awfully hard to tell that they're not hooves...


Focus. You need to focus. You're looking for information on how to regain your humanity; there will be time enough later to research other topics. You look in the book titled A Compenndium of Fysickal Alterations at Hand. and find most of the spells again are too complex for you -- even your instincts are silent when you read those pages. Then again, one of the spells which does seem like it's within your skill, allows you to dive underwater with a bubble of air. It is only enough for 10 minutes, but good for looking around the shoreline—no! focus!

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 18 September 2010

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