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Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming... star star star halfstar emptystar

You watch carefully and try to copy Katie's motions, finding the movement forced, and forceful. With a few muffled huffs of frustration, you keep batting your wings awkwardsly, finally managing to get into a hover. You can't help but laugh again as you climb with possibly your only real friend in this odd world, and close your eyes as you keep flapping, feeling less and less wind as you go up. The silence is amazing. Only you, and the batting of your wings. Odd, to fly...


Suddenly, a question comes through your mind. If this is a dream, just a nightmare... maybe you can end it. Nothing like falling to come around. As if reacting to the thought, you stop beating your wings and start letting yourself go. The air rushes by faster as you feel gravity call to you, your body losing mass... maybe you found the way out. Still that beautiful silence.


Your eyes shoot open as you hear a panicked voice calling to you, finding your hand held by Katie as she cries to you to beat your wings again. Realizing that the ground is within the reach of your moral peril, you start crying out in panic too and beat as hard you can, eventually steading out while your hearts race.


"Hey Icarus, what were you doing? What was that?"


"Nothing, it was nothing, I just... never mind. Sorry for the scare, I just needed to know something."


"Yes you're still alive. Yes this is real. My place is over there... let's see if you can manage a softer landing than what you were going for back there, eh?"

Written by Craven on 30 May 2010

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