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"But... what do we win? Do you know?" Katie asks, the male's eyes suddenly changing from bold strength to a softer gaze. "You're the only other recent suit I've seen in a while, the others... I don't think they remember."


"Win? We only get back what these suits took from us. Our lives. You did the same thing I did, you got too close to one. It made you put it on, and now here you are, just like me. Now, I don't know about you, but the faster we get to the next suit and keep playing towards where ever this is going, the happier I'll be. I'm supposed to be a stonecutter. You?"


"A tailor. I've never sewn before. Hey..."




"Do you think we could stick together for a while? I don't know what they have planned for us beyond work and a new life... it's good to have someone else who can understand."


You smile at the corner of your muzzle. "Welcome to the club, you're already wearing the uniform."

Written by Craven on 30 May 2010

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