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You quickly sit yourself in to the seats knowing instantly how to thread your tail in behind you and buckle the straps.


You hear the pilot over the speaker "Ok everyone is strapped in. We are ready for launch." you feel the g forces and the costume pass you the knowledge of the rail system that launches you into space.


You feel the moment when the ship goes from descending to horizontal and then back up into the air.


Then the buffeting as you leave the rail and you start travelling through the air.


Soon however the ride turns smooth and you feel small jolts which the costume tells you are too stabilise your orbit.


Then the speaker crackles into life. "Ok we are stable, the station is two hours away. So unstrap yourself and float around till then."


The costume then puts more information into your mind. The planet has a large gravity well and use a rail to shoot small capsules up to a station were the majority of the ships are stored so they do not need to carry a large amount of fuel.

Written by catprog on 29 January 2010

Male Bounty Hunters

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