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Lapras emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You see a shell with pointy bits sticking out.


After looking around for something else you reliantly grab it and slip it on over your head.


The moment it is in place the changes begin.


You feel new muscles forming in the shell as your body is pushed out the front. You then realise that you now have a front waist as well as your original one.


Your new waist then changes angles so dramatically that you get motion-sick as you stare at the celling. You quickly lay down to get your head back up right.


You then turn to see flippers growing out of the 2 empty holes in the front of the shell as your legs also change into flippers.


The change is finished when a tail pokes out from the back leaving you a lapras taur.


At some point the walls disappeared and as you look around you notice you are probably in the Pokemon world as you can see a lapras pod.


Illustrated by LemonSky

Written by catprog on 10 September 2007

The end (for now)

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