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You wander inside and feel a bit strange about everyone dancing around you. Somehow, it made you a bit uncomfortable to see everyone around having fun. Whenever you looked around, you couldn’t help but feel out of place. You actually were the only one out of place here as you fully human like the rest of them- you wern’t even dancing along. At least if you were, you probably would have passed the vibe check but instead you just kind of stood there like a debbie downer. Your body language was closed off, shielding yourself from the others as you crossed your arms over your chest. You couldn’t help but make a scowling expression as you watched those around you twirling and having fun.
Regardless, you didn’t go unnoticed. Others started catching your judgemental vibes and despite trying their hardest, some of them had started to notice your bunk attitude as you wandered around like a wallflower. Some people bumped into you- a bit frustrated that you weren’t dancing along with them and something told you that you should have at least been trying to fit in with the others. Still, you just didn’t.
“What’s this about?” You wander up to someone to ask.
“What do you mean what’s this about?” They explained. “This is just the biggest party of the century.” She continued. “Why are you even here if not to party?” She commented, a bit coldly.
“I’m just… Uhh I’m looking for something?”
“Looking for something?!” She responded. “You’re just here for your own good?” She reiterated.
“Uhm. well…” You didn’t know how to respond.
“Well, we have something here for people like you actually.” She said before quickly grabbing you by the hand and leading you up to the king. “She says she wants something, here, on your big day.” She explained to the king.
“Oh? I see.” He said, his pristine dancing interrupted by you- what a nuisance.
“Well I just.”
“It’s okay. Just come with me.” He grabbed you a bit more aggressively this time before leading you off to the lower levels of the castle. “You’re just weird. You’re not passing the vibe check. What are you anyway?” He said before turning and locking you up in the dungeons, not even giving you a chance to reply.
Well. That’s it. This was where you ended up, this time around. You should have just tried fitting in, and continued lying about yourself as you always did. You were so close! Next time, you’ll probably know how to match the vibes better.

Written by Drifting Dragon on 01 October 2023

The end (for now)

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