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On the land emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You realized you had spent all your time in the water, with other animals, and in a sense, also in a bit of isolation. You wandered around for a while, swimming as you thought about this until you found a large stretch of land nearby. For a moment, you almost seemed to forget about your old life- how great things were up on the land and at this point you just wanted to go back to see what had changed. You figured in this new body, things would have seemed different to you, but also, you felt as though you looked human enough to be able to at least spook some of the other humans walking above.
Before long, you found yourself on the shore enjoying the open air for the first time in a while. Your body still felt heavy though- you could tell that you had become used to the fluid movements you were able to pull off in the water but by this time, you felt more of yourself meshing with the suit as you continued.
“It’s about time I try to find a new one.” You thought to yourself. “Of course, I’d be able to find something up here on the surface.” You mentioned as you hobbled over to the grassy parts of the shoreline.
You took a moment to look around and soon you found a pristine road leading up to a massive castle. Part of you knew for a fact you would be able to find your new outfit there.
On the other hand, you saw a ship and its crew starting to pack up some kind of exports. You wondered if you would be able to commune with them there somehow. You still remembered your human english and obviously if you were to play your cards right, you would be able to speak with them about your problems and what you needed.
Still, somehow the anxieties you felt gripped at your stomach. What if neither option would work out. You wanted to remain realistic about your situation, and maybe in either, a human wouldn’t be able to help- or even accept you- in your current state. You’ve seen those cryptid shows before, and in most cases, it never ended well for the anomalies.

Written by Drifting Dragon on 27 September 2023

Go by Castle
Go by Docks.
Not worth it. Just go back to your Seal life.

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