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Get some rest yourself. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Soon, the sun began to rise again, the others started waking up one by one. They all seemed to feel much better than before, and your medical attention really worked wonders on them. It was like that was all they needed to return to nearly tip-top shape, despite the severity of some of their more serious injuries. Most of the others seemed like they would still be able to hold their own in the mission- maybe with a bit of help from the healthy ones.
Duke was the first one to get up and start sniffing around his teammates as they started waking up.
“Okay. Our turn to rest.” You could tell the dog was exhausted, though he tried his best to not show it. You were pretty tired yourself, but you didn’t let your pride get in the way of things.
“I’m fine with that.” You replied, yawning and stretching. The two twin cats took no mind of it, but you noticed the canine staring at you once again with a questioning face. He didn’t seem to push much more, but you couldn’t help but get the feeling that he could see through your lies. It made you a bit nervous, or maybe that was just the fact that you had stayed up for most of the night. Still, that didn’t stop you from getting a hardy sleep while you had the chance.
At this point, most of the crackling grey firewood had started to blow away with the morning winds. This was no problem for you though, quickly wrapping your wings over you like a thick down blanket. You didn’t know how long it took for you to fall asleep because it almost felt like a quick moment to you when you blinked your eyes shut.
Soon after- or not- you found yourself waking up from the midday sun. Luckily for the group, there were no other imminent threats to anyone’s safety as the team recuperated their energy. You must have slept for longer than anyone else, because when you looked around Duke already started to pack up his things. The other twins were blinking their eyes awake slowly, resting with their backs against each others’. They had been awake for a while, but their bodies were still clearly exhausted from the walk back. Both of them lazily rested there for a moment, but it was clear you were the last one to return to consciousness.

Written by Drifting Dragon on 25 December 2021

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