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“Okay, let me just…” you said as you sheepishly exited the room alone.
You nodded. There was silence, they stared at you weirdly.
“Wait… Do you need me to..?” She began nervously before she began towards the door, pointing.
“Yes!” you blurted out. “I think I’ll need a bit of help with finding the…”
“Okay, hah!” She slapped her upper thighs. “Of course, what was I…” the other two watched as you both left the sterile room together. You followed eagerly.
“Thank you!” you said as the heavy hospital door swung closed.
“Yeah. It’s just that I thought they would have covered this in your training.”
“Nope!” you replied. “Funding I guess.” Pulling your shoulders up in a deep shrug, you smiled back at her awkwardly.
“Hah, don’t even start me on that.” she said as you both paced urgently towards a huge broom closet down the hallway. “Okay, here we go.” She stammered, leading you into the dark room.

Written by DriftingDragon on 14 April 2021

The end (for now)

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