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“I’ve been waiting for you…” Your heart seemed to stop in your chest along with the rest of your body.
“Uhhh.” You didn’t mean to make a sound, but your dumbfounded mouth hung open, and the anxiety of the moment sent out a dull sound from your throat, resulting in the awkward sound.
“Just in your final phases of this coup you decided to show your face around here… Finally.” His dark scales looked rough and scarred and his piercing green eyes locked on you. A sly smirk spread across his face as his silent gaze scanned you over. “Hmmm, wait a minute.”
You held your breath as he approached you. Despite being much smaller in stature, you figured he was quite a bit smaller than that, due to the thick plumage bulking up the finely pressed business suit he adorned. His whiskers twitched at your hanging clothes; the crop top half covering your midriff.
“Boss… Do you think..?”
“SHUT UP!” silence. You were nearly scared out of your clothes. “I know this isn’t the one!” he hissed at the guard behind you. “Do you know what this means?!” both you and the guard were silent for a moment. “...It means that the actual ‘Rebel’ is-” this time, he was interrupted. Loud blaring sirens “F-FUck” He expressed. The feline paced around anxiously, his flickering tail writhed and lashed in anger, and his ears pressed back against his head defensively whenever he looked in your direction.
“Listen, we have to take them out.” he hissed aggressively into an intercom system. “Take care of this one” He turned and walked back to his enormous seat and plopped with a heavy sign. A forced composition, the large feline’s fur seemed to prickle in rage. “They forced my hand… I told them I would do it. DIDN’T I?” Even after being carried out of the room you could hear the angered yowls from down the hallway, and after being taken down a few flights of stairs, you were brought to a small room.
It only took one guard to escort you down, and a moment after the door swung open, your vision was almost immediately obscured. A smelly potato sack was slid onto your head and the potent smell almost made you gag. The first and only detail you remembered in the room was the dark brown rock-like protrusion sticking up from the center of a surprisingly small, overgrown room.
The next thing you know, you feel yourself being lifted and tossed across the room. It felt like slow motion as your body hit the ground, then you began to wonder what was even happening. Instead of a single impact, it felt as if much longer, harder scrapes and bumps turning your body through the air.
“A well?” You thought to yourself, the only reasonable cause for you to have fallen for so long. After a bit longer, you wonder how long you would be falling for, and only a moment after that you hit the hard water face first, it was thick and it felt like a solid object the way your body slid into the fluids. You gasped deep for the air knocked out of you, yet your bound limbs just weighed you down as you slowly sank deeper. The sack over your head made it no easier to breathe than the bitter tasting slop filling in around both sides of your faced-down body as you writhed in the muck like a grub. Not long after, even you couldn’t escape this fate.

Written by Driftingdragon on 01 February 2021

The end (for now)

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