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“Help!” you cry out. “Help me!” you continue, whimpering like the helpless pup you were. Hanging your head low, the dank smells of this room burned your nostrils as you panted in the cold air. Despite not having exerted yourself, your anxiety had caused you to hyperventilate. You knew that if you couldn’t escape, you were done for. “Rebel’s… Punishment…” The words echoed through your head like wind, and your stomach sank at the thought of what could come next.
From afar, you could hear pained groans, which you didn’t give a second thought to. You didn’t care for who heard you, as long as you were being heard, someone soon will come. The thought rang out in your head like the hopeful tolling of a bell, and you could nearly taste your freedom. Suddenly, the sounds stopped, you heard panting, footsteps approaching, and the subtle drop of water droplets trailing from eroding rock ceilings.
You watched a shadow approaching from down the hallway, a dark figure growing in your vision; backlit from the flashing light within the room, all you could make out were the broad shoulders of the stranger as he lumbered between the thin hallway. It wasn’t clear if you should be excited or frightened, but at least you had finally caught the attention of somebody in here.
Without warning, he raised a long glass pole in his hand and you flinched at the idea of being struck, in the last moment, it began to crackle and flash with lightning, the sparks made you whimper, and when he touched the blue fire against the metal poles you were attached to, you felt a fuzzy warmth rushing through your body.
It was as if hundreds of rodents rushed around just underneath your skin in search of an escape, and your body convulsed grotesquely as the electricity rushed through your body. You fall to the ground with a loud thud, and your mind begins to go fuzzy, once more.
You woke up chained in a different room, the table beneath you was uncomfortable and cold, and next to you laid a familiar looking stranger passed out on an adjacent table, similar to yours. With every waking, it seemed as if you lost a bit more of your mind, remembering only the moments after you awakened, rather than the moments which led up to your unconsciousness.
This time it was more terrifying. You saw bloody tools on the table, a weird electric-conducting pole, some large chains, and a needle, filled with an unknown substance. The hulking figure washed his hands at the sink nearby, and wordlessly, he injected you with the clear fluids in your neck, and moments before you blacked out for the last time, you could see harvested skins hanging up on the wall. Kind of reminded you of the costumes, but your mind faded regardless, and you didn’t know if you would ever wake up after this.

Written by Driftingdragon on 23 January 2021

The end (for now)

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