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Rock emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You turned your back to the stage to take a better look at your latest ‘care,’ it looked sturdy and stable. Four wooden wheels held it up, and the motor was smelted from used armor. It ran properly, as you had tested it yourself, yet something about durability popped into your head; you wanted to sell this to them for the long-term right?
“This is made of the most durable fiber carbon sprayed wood. As you can see here.” you spotted a rock laying conveniently on the ground next to the podium, and you thought to yourself how this must have been for part of the demonstration. “This is strong enough to-”
With a loud crash, you threw the dense hard rock against the glass pane of the car. It shattered instantly; the window became a wide open maw with jagged uneven teeth. You stared in shock, and the crowd behind you gasped.
“Uhhh. Maybe I threw that a little too hard.” your manager walked out from the side of the stage and put a hand on your back.
“...Princess,” He said quietly, but you could barely hear him with the way the crowd was whispering and muttering to itself. “Maybe you should…” By that time he was pushing you away from the podium as other people filled in to take your place.
It all happened so quickly for you, yet the moment seemed to go in slow motion as you heard the crowd’s rowdy demeanor rapidly changing. And then, it was calm.
“We apologize for that folks-” the voice from the loudspeakers trailed off as you were forced past the thin hallways. You were able to recognize the voice, despite your confusion. It was your father, immediately jumping in for you to save your reputation.
“What the- what’s this about?” You questioned your advisor.
“What do you mean what is this about? Do you not remember what we talked about in that meeting?” At this point, he was livid. “How do you expect them to buy a product they JUST watched you break!”

Written by Driftingdragon on 24 September 2020

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