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Stay emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You rode together in the creaky old mine cart until you felt the creaky wheels beneath it begin to shutter and shake. The rapid pace of the cart as it began careening down the wobbly track faster and faster began to unsettle you to your core as you began to pick up the distressed energy of your tour guide.
“Um. Are you okay?” You asked her, and to no response, her mind was too occupied with the stressful situation before her. You watched as she pulled at levers, cranked a handle, and pressed multiple archaic buttons before quickly trying to pull the lever from before. It promptly broke to both yours and her surprise.
You both looked to each other in shock as she stared at you with an open mouth, though not even a sound could have escaped from her terrified gullet. In that moment, you knew what was going on.
Looking ahead, the track seemed to cut off abruptly, leading into a deep abyss- a void darker than even your night vision could see. The screeching and clattering of the wheels began to hurt your ears as the sparks flew beneath the two of you, and as the unstable cart rocked closer to the edge of the broken track, you closed your eyes tightly, covering your ears, and taking a half-fetal position to brace yourself what was next.
Both you and the taur was engulfed in darkness as you both descended into a deep pit beneath the kingdom, never to be seen again. It was then that your journey had come to an abrupt end due to the long chain of reckless decisions you had taken.

Written by Driftingdragon on 20 August 2020

The end (for now)

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