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Nothing emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Fear froze your limbs and you decided if you were treated well before, then they will treat you well now. You had already established that you were a professional in your field; a well read anthropologist who had only come here to be professional and progressive in your trade. That night you fell asleep with a calm and level headed mind, curling up in a bed which you had only just noticed was slightly too small for your quadrupedal limbs. The following morning, when you had blinked your eyes open, you barely even recognized you were awake.
"Huh? What is this?" You rubbed your eyes, touching your face to confirm your lids were parting. After confirming your waking state, you couldn't tell if you were dreaming or blind as the darkness enveloping you slowly gave way to a small light flickering in the distance. "Okay now I know I'm dreaming." But you weren't, and this fact was only further affirmed as you heard the heavy chains rattling on your ankles. You began to panic as your eyes started to adjust.
All at once, it hit you realized your assumptions were wrong, cutting through the darkness you had seen scores of other taurs chained up with saddles and work harnesses as they too began to rustle in their awakening. Terror gripped your stomach as you realized your fate, without any medium to even protest your fate you were forced to fall in like the rest of the captured taurs around you.
The rest of your days were numbered, caught in a trap of your own making having found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. During the periods of time when you weren't stuck carrying about supplies or laboring in the endless winding tunnels below the kingdom, you were speaking among your fellow taurs, who judged you for thinking better of yourself among your captors. Every moment was filled with immense physical, mental, and psychological pain. Filled with regret, you loved out your last few years in an awful position withering away underground until your body gives out and you breathe your last dusty breath.

Written by Driftingdragon on 04 August 2020

The end (for now)

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