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No mercy emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Having absolutely no mercy, you stomped them all without any hesitation. You knew there was something fishy about the queen’s behaviour, and just like their lives, you stomped out any flame of her evil plan that could have caught your kingdom ablaze. All caught up in your plans for ‘prevenge’ because of sketchy behaviour, you ultimately were the end of your kingdom anyway.


You stood among the rubble as your more calm and collected mind thought about what you had done. The excitement of the moment had washed over you, and now that the thrill was over, there was nothing left for you to destroy. Wandering around by yourself, you were lonely. Wading through the trees like tall grass, your muscular body easily bent the thick bark of the branches over and made your way through the depths of the forest on your own.


Going into isolation, the foggy mist of the forest almost seemed to completely shroud your enormous body- hiding your endless guilt which felt even heavier than your meandering footsteps. Among the locals, you had become a legend, only appearing when the weather is the most cold. Like your frozen heart, your body was frozen in time, forced to live on for centuries as a giant muscular skunk taur.

Written by Driftingdragon on 07 April 2020

The end (for now)

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