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You both choose the better option. When saving yourselves, cutting corners is never an option. Eventually they take over the majority of the tasks, leaving you and your brother’s hands free for taking care of your own things. Slowly but surely you ease your way out of debt together, while still being able to pay your employee appropriately.


It was a long and hard task to manage, but after ten more years of working the three of you had found your way out of the hole, and back into the world of successful businesses. Though what was next, neither you or your brother could have anticipated.


Your business partner, though he took care of everything, began to take the job even more seriously than the two of you combined. After a while your partner began to take more control of the company than planned as well. This didn’t go well with your sibling, causing an all out screaming match between the three of you; the catalyst of the end of the dynamic sibling powerhouse.


Not long after your partner having overwhelming crowd support ended it for the two of you. A legal battle- mutiny, of everything you and your sibling had started up in the past. Yes it was unfair, though with the time and effort you both put into your business, was it really even your accomplishments?

Written by Driftingdragon on 27 March 2020

The end (for now)

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