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Look for a way out emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You were a man. A human male. You may have a sweet high voice, and temporarily lost your favourite body part; but you haven't lost your personality and be damn you would die alone in some fucking jungle! You choose to walk straight, in theory you should find something or someone eventual under those conditions. Walking was a bit awkward at first, adapting to the lion or lioness if you were being accurate; was fun. If tripping over them and nearly landing face first in hell knows who or what's shit. You do however start to adapt. Your stride becomes more confident, your shoulders straighten. The claws on your hand, or paws. Make quick work slicing the vegetation that's in your way. The scorpion tail that swung wildly around you, seemly had a mind of its own. It's not in your way so you choose to ignore it. You continue on much around you looks the same. Tall green grass, green vines and more green stuff. The birds you heard earlier go silent has you walk by, you can hear them rustle above you in the tree tops above with your new heighten hearing, but them and any other creature avoids you.


“Not that I blame them.” You mutter aloud to yourself. You were obliviously some major predator. The weight on your back and a glance over your shoulder display large black folding wings. You took the opportunity to stop and touch them. They were soft and leather, kind of like a bat. You weren't a zoo keeper but you've seen them on TV and image it was the same as those you now had. Maybe if you could find a clearing you could fly out of here? The thought gives you a flash of hope. If you could fly, you could get farther faster, you could see everything easier too. Help was one clearing away!


The thought in mind you double your efforts until the sun started to turn orange between the tree companies leaves. Not stupid enough to travel after dark you stop beneath one of the bigger trees. It roots twist and turned around the truck giving a round bed like nook. You kick around and clear up the surrounding foliage, clearing the space for yourself and making sure no one else occupied it. You were tired and thirsty. Surprisingly not hungry, but you could make without food much longer than water. Tomorrow water was the first thing to search for, perhaps you could find a clearing and some water. That would be a great break you think, as you curl up like great cat you mostly are and sink into deep dreamless sleep.

Written by psto1464 on 09 August 2018

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