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Costume? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

What is baffling to you is that if a woman had entered a store back in your world asking for help because males were chasing her, she would have been helped. The door would have stayed locked, the police would have been called. If a woman had been dealing with this where you came from, she would have been taken seriously... at least, you certainly hoped she would have.


Here, it was so different. The pug was not only letting the males in, but you could hear her saying where you'd gone; the only thing that she was doing in any attempt to help anyone was warning them that there would be no fighting in her store, and to keep the mess to a minimal. You hear something about strong genetics and a good bloodline, and then you slam the door to the storage area behind you with your heart still thundering in your chest and a lower whimper pouring loudly from you.


Worse, the heat between your legs is beating worse now... and you've never been more aware of the fact that you have a vagina instead of the dick that you were born with. You can feel it throbbing, and it takes everything inside of you not to reopen the door and welcome the males inside. Instead, you turn to see if there is an answer in the room that you locked yourself in, just as you feel the weight of one of the males throwing themselves against the door, while the nasally tone of the spaniel asks for a key. Worse, you can hear the pug answer with the fact that she's already coming with the key, so they can hold their tails for just a moment instead of breaking down the door.


Her voice is already getting closer, and you know that you don't have much time. Instead, you turn with intentions of finding a window, or a bathroom... or a wall that looks weak enough that you can kick down -- something. Anything...


In your desperation you almost miss it. It's been more than two weeks... and you've been looking for it all along. And there it is, right in front of you.


The only thing in the storeroom is a mannequin, and on that mannequin is your next costume. The question is, will you have time to get it on before the males come in and stop you?


You certainly hope so.

Written by Karlyene on 30 June 2018

The end (for now)

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