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Into the Trees emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

So with this plan in mind you sink into the snow, trying to get a good jump out of those strong hind legs of yours. Your muscles bulge out under the strain and your body starts soaring through the freezing air. You feel the wind caressing your fur and your whiskers while your massive body is suspended in the air for one or two seconds before you finally grab ahold the massive tree trunk with all four of your legs. Sharp claws extend into the wood and you try to reach for the branches above you with your arms. It all comes natural to you as your legs begin to climb upwards, slowly but surely until you reach a part of the tree where the branches are thick and dense enough to endure your massive weight. You look down to the blanket of snow, which is now a few dozen feet below yourself. A smile slips on your maw and you can hardly refrain from letting out a loud roar in pride of your accomplishment. This body feels way better than you would've thought.


But after this feat of strength, you now have a trial of agility in front of you. And you are more than ready to tackle it. Carefully you begin to set one paw in front of the other, trying to make way along the branches. Some of them start to creak as you touch them and more then one even breaks under your weight, forcing you to find a different way, but you still make better progress than before. And so you dive deeper into the snowy jungle, looking around and being amazed by its beauty and tranquility.


After several hours of exploring this huge forest you come to two conclusions.


First: This jungle is huge and seems to go on for forever without much of any kind of boundaries or the like.


Second: You've totally lost yourself in it and have no idea where you came from or where the exit could be.


And this all wouldn't be too bad, but with each passing hour of this really straining exploring, you start to slowly feel more and more hungry. After a while of searching for something to eat you find a tree with some sort of light-blue fruits, but as you pluck one of them and taste it, you realize that it doesn't really fit your tastes anymore. You need something else. Meat. Yeah, that would be just the right thing now. So you start looking for some animals you could hunt.

Written by Lifeguard Arran on 16 May 2018

Both Hunt

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