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James uses his phone to write notes. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

James pulls out his phone and you initially go to protest writing on that before deciding against it.


“If I do this then do you promise to let it go until after we’ve finished our dinner?” You ask him.


“If you do it properly then yes I will.” His reply comes as he turns his phone around to you. On it is some app which lets you write down notes.


“Fine I guess.” He hands his phone to you and you begin writing down what important things you remember which isn’t much now. You mention the room you woke up in and the general gist of the sign, you also manage to write down some things from the day prior but you seem to be struggling with remembering the events of yesterday.


After a few minutes your dinner comes out along with the drinks you ordered and you hand the phone back to James.


“Is that enough, can I eat now?” you jokingly ask him before you take a few bites of your delicious bacon burger. An involuntary little moan escapes your lips after you take a bite and James can’t help but chuckle at you. Its exactly as you remember, juicy bacon, thick patty, crunchy cucumber. You look at the burger James has had placed in front of him. You always found it weird that he liked chicken patties but he almost worshiped them as far as you remember. He seems to look at it puzzled for a second before he takes a quick bite and you watch his eyes closely to catch his reaction.

Written by The Only One on 20 January 2018

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