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You manage to carry on your person a rope and a rusty spear, you would have to be very lucky if you could make it count.


You and Tal approach the pavilion, getting ever closer to where the ceremony is taking place. Ganesha turns over so that her servants can cover her other side. Tal signals for you to throw the spear on the count of three… two… one...


Without thinking twice, you both chuck your spears at Ganesha, both of you striking the great elephant. Yours, however, did not bear enough force to pierce her skin. A loud trumpeting cry came from the beast as her shoulder was pierced. The monkeys and boars look your way in dark glares, as someone dares threaten their queen.


The Elephant-woman pried the spear out with her trunk. “Who dares attack me? kill them at once!”

Written by PrinceZahn on 16 November 2017

Both Run like hell

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