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A morning emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The sound of the alarm rang true as you sat in the car, and waited by the river, the engine was warm, with a ten-and-two hold on the steering wheel. Clyde ran out of the bank with sacks full of venison.


“Step on it, Bonnie!” he urged, and you did, not questioning that he called you Bonnie as your ride was racing down the town, passing by uncountable trees at full acceleration.


Right at your heels was a creature resembling Jabba the Hutt with teeth and big ears. You and Clyde fire your guns, but even bullets fail to pierce through the beast.


And then, the car stopped.


“Why’d you stop? He’s gaining on us!” Clyde kept shooting in vain before finally jumping out of the car with the venison.


The car however, seemed to have a mind of its own, it began moving again, and rushing at full force in the wrong direction. Suddenly, you reach out for a ball and chain.


Impact; you lunge up and choke Jabba with your chain, with the weight of the ball dragging him down, he collapses.


You return to Clyde in the hideout that evening, where he and his gang have already fixed-up venison and wine for two.


“Why don’t you boys eat in the kitchen, and give Bonnie and I some privacy?”


“Oh, Clyde, you old tiger you.” You cood with a gentle laugh.


And with a wink, and a nod, the others crept into the kitchen until only Bonnie and Clyde celebrated a historic heist.


And in the spur of the moment – he snuck in a passionate kiss as he sweeps you off your feet. You lay on the bed, and you feel his heart beat next to yours, and you make love on the bed.


You wake up, blushing, trying to make sense of what the ** you just dreamed. Judging by the sun it must be about midday.


The sun is hot… at a quick glance, the sun seems a little smaller in this world than it was on earth, and there was no sign of a true civilization yet. (Wake up Tal)


The Tiger-man grumbled something, and breathed heavily until you awoke him with a start. He was panting heavily, he too, must have had a rather unsettling dream.


“Bad dream?” you ask him.


“Yeah,” he said, eyes wide open. “I dreamt of my mom, drowning in the ocean, I was swimming deeper and deeper after her, until I ran out of breath, and an octopus muzzled me.


“Weird.” You answer, laying a paw on his shoulder.


There was an awkward silence as you both ate breakfast from the fish you pulled out of the river, they were starting to smell but Tal insisted that they were fine.


“Say, are there any real towns or cities out there?” You raise the courage to ask.


“What do you mean?” Tal raised an eyebrow.


“Before I came to this world, the sign said I’ll be reborn in the creature’s home town, but I don’t see any village or civilization anywhere.”


“Oh.” Tal said, kind of surprised at my question. “There are lots of towns, cities, and other clusters out there. I already told you about Ape town, there are also cities underwater. I know a guy who used to spend his week as a rat in the sewers. He said they resembled the sewers in a place called the USA, but the creatures who walked the streets above were all half-bugs.”

Written by PrinceZahn on 01 November 2017

Both Gross

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