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...Sleek emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The young man before you is not upset by this information and, in fact, lifts your chin so he can gaze into your eyes as he speaks in a reassuring tone.


“That won’t do at all! If you can’t remember your name I’ll just have to give you a new one~” He even sounded excited to have that chance.


“What about… Sleek?”


Sleek… you repeat this new name in your head. It does appear fitting for a Selkie, you think to yourself.


“Sounds good~” Your own tone reflects a happier one now and you feel even more excited about this new form you bear.


The young man then flashes another charming smile before he motions to the town you decided to avoid earlier.


“I live over there by the way. In the town by the oceanside. We’re some real nice folk if you ever want to pay us a visit.” There was a brief pause before he added; “My name is Cid by the way.”


Cid’s name, as well as your new one, were committed to your memory now. You glance towards the town too, though your brow furrows and a sigh escapes you. You still feel nervous about the idea of being around so many humans. At least out here, in the ocean, you feel like you can get away if there is any real danger or threat. It is almost like the water is acting as a security blanket around you.

Written by HiddenFruit on 23 August 2017

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