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Maybe getting to know him wouldn’t be such a bad idea.


Interacting with a human one on one in this form definitely seems a lot more comforting than heading into town.


Once you make your decision you slowly start to swim backwards out of the cave, making sure to hold onto his hand in return so he knows that you want him to follow you. Every so often you look over your shoulder, offering a small smile to the male to encourage him to keep coming.


Before too long you both make it to the surface and the young man pulls his mask up so he can get a better look at you. It is then that you see the smattering of freckles upon his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.


He smiles; your heart skipping another beat.


“Hello there~” His voice is a smooth tenor, friendly and light. “You sure are a cutie, aren’t you?” He asks, reaching out to brush a hand upon your cheek.


“Do you speak English?” He asks, quirking a brow curiously.


A good question, you think you yourself. In this new form did you have the same language skills as before? Or had the magic of the costume altered that as well?

Written by HiddenFruit on 18 August 2017

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