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Beelzemon emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

A few feet from where your standing was a large digimon. He stood a towering six, maybe seven feet high. He was humanoid and built like a wrestler, he was pure mussels poured into leather pants and a white fur collared jacket. His boots had spikes and thick like a motorcycle rider. He had a purple mask covering the upper half of his or was it is face? You could tell, it looked like a crow, matching the crow like mask was his large black wings on his back. He was one scary looking dude.


At home you would have ran across the street to avoid passing him, or even duck into a store carrying nothing but women's underwear. Embarrassment would be bettering then facing him. You feel shaky and it wasn't your worn out body either, you were afraid. Your eyes run over him again, hoping vainly to change what you see, when you notice a red bandana on his arm. One that was remarkable like.


“Impmon?” You whisper it but you don't believe it. Impmon can't digivole.


“I am Beelzemon!” He shouts and pulls a large barrel guns from his side, how could you not notice them before! He points them directly at you, you though yourself to the ground as he shouts, “Heartbreak Shot!” The gun shoots off your feel a swirl of wind as Renamon sweeps you up and tossing you several feet away from the fight. You land were a thump and groan has it surly adds to the bruises hidden under your fur. At least you were alive but what about Renamon? You leap to your feet watching the two combats attack each in a whirl of movements you can barely kept track of. You were out of your league here, you knew that, but you had to do something!


Then you heard it again, those words that nearly took you down. “Heartbreak Shot!” It aimed at Rika.

Written by psto1464 on 24 August 2017

Take the hit

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