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Give In To Sleep emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“If you don't mind, I'll just take a nap here then.” You nod gratefully to Caulmon, you just to tried to move.


“Of course, culu!” Caulmon vanishing from site and you turn your side, the motion felt long and drawn out. You rested you head on the couches edge and are nearly asleep when Caulmon returns. “Pleasant dreams culu.” Caulmon whispers as you feel the pleasant touch of a soft blanket drape over your body, you sigh as you feel you muscles give in to sleep.


“Thanks,” You mummer before falling into the deep rest your body needed.


“Boy!” Calumon's scream wakes you, also barely make out the sounds of gunfire and Rika shouting. You jerk awake as the flowers from the ceiling and the ceiling itself; comes tumbling down from above. You scramble of the couch only to hit the floor before it rains down. The flowers hit you first, you scream so loud your throat hurts but not as much as the rest of you as the ceilings wood planks splinters around you, a large flat piece land straight on you, knocking the air to scream right out of you. The creaking of large beams, the ear-splitting sound of word snapping and furniture tumbling down from the second floor.


It all came down on you, you can't breathe from the crushing weight. You can't see though the bunches of lavender and other flower bouquets crush into your mussel. You feel the sharp thorns of one plant the digging vines of another, your ribs have needle like pain ridding into them. All you can smell is dust from the setting wood and a thick coppery smell of blood and you know its yours because you can feel it drip out of your nose as you cave in to the darkness. There no pain there, you tell yourself as you disappear into it.

Written by psto1464 on 20 August 2017

The end (for now)

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