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“Caulmon, tell the Tamer to tell my parents I love them!” you shout already hot on the trail of the fleeing Guilmon.


“Will do, culu!” you hear Caulmon call from behind you. You don't care, you'll see her later. You were staying, giving into your new body and feelings. You couldn't miss this chance. This connection!


“Guilmon!” You shout catching up to the droopy figure that sat on the path-side. You taking him at a full run knocking Guilmon over with a thud and rise of dirt from the dusty path. “I hope there's place for a new digimon who knows nothing about using her claws to farm.” Guilmon sat unmoving, stunned by you actions.


“You mean-” You cut him of by rubbing your fur check against his scaled one.


“I'm taking the chance.” You tell him, he grabs you into a long tight hug. Reflecting the feelings that would continue to grow as you stay and make a life with Guilmon.

Written by psto1464 on 16 July 2017

Seven months later

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